
  • We are working to get your order to you as quickly as possible. Our current estimate is that your items will process and ship in the next 2-4 weeks (unless otherwise specified in the product description).

    International orders will arrive in 5-6 weeks after processing.

    Feel free to contact info@thelabel318.com with any further questions.

  • You will receive an email confirmation with tracking once your order ships. We will ship your entire order when all items in your order become available.

  • Our apparel is available year round with new footwear & collaborations releasing monthly.

  • Unfortunately, we are unable to expedite any orders under any circumstances.

  • Tracking shows my label has been Your shipping status may take 1-2 business day before any location updates appear. If your tracking does not update after 2 business days, please email our Resolution Team at info@thelabel318.com and we will research the matter further.